Monday, January 4, 2010


Liz R and I successfully navigated 2 miles today at Log Boom! My foot felt fine, but now my knee hurts. I'm falling apart at the seams.

Tomorrow I'm going to run around my house and dust the cobwebs off my wii fit. I hope that all of your workouts were as successful as ours.



  1. Good job to both of you! Kevin and I are off to a little bit of a slower start. What happens when you have two very analytical people who what to start a work out program and measure their results? You get a lot of excel spreadsheets, before weight and measurements, and a battery of endurance tests. We didn't actually do the first p90x today. We are now ready to chart our progress though...
    Does that count?.... I didn't think so.
    Heather and Liz R. - 1
    Michelle - 0
    Liz S. - ?

  2. Liz S. - 1
    Although I did run yesterday... Heather says it doesn't count because everything started today.

    Ran about 2 miles. took splashie doodle with me. he's a VERY tired dog. Gonna give him the day off tomorrow and use the exercise bike.
